Graphic image of colorful hands reaching up in the air.
The Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) was implemented at Kingman Healthcare Center in 2019. It is comprised of past and present patients and family, Kingman Healthcare Center staff, and Board members. PFAC was created to continuously improve the patient and family experience at KHC. They focus on the quality of care, safety, and patient satisfaction.
The Council works to identify needs and concerns, provides feedback from community members, and acts as catalysts for change.
PFAC Accomplishments to date:
Improved in-patient folder (a folder that every patient is given upon admission)
Improved internal signage (proven to be valuable in the ancillary hallway)
Updated the Family Room (new look, more seating, better environment)
PFAC meets once a quarter at KHC. If you are interested in joining, contact Kara at karar@kingmanhc.com.